Friday 5 June 2015

The President and his Gamemaker


"Let's just say I like things to be...extravagant."

Name: Priam Augustus
Current President of Panem
Current Age: 65

Augustus used to be Snow's right hand man until his death during the celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Games. His sharp eyes can spot fear from a mile away. Even though there are some suspicion that Augustus poisoned Snow, there was never any proof out there that says so.

"Everyone has a reason for surviving. This is my reason"

Name: Nathaniel Evergold
Current Head Gamemaker of Panem
Current Age: 32

A responsible young man. He made it to the top of the Gamemaker table by showing a keen interest in the Games themselves. After pitching the idea of the Eighty-Ninth Hunger Games arena, Augustus had really took a liking to him. He can get nervous at times under his presence but that's natural: everyone gets that. He's often seen in his office finalising plans for, what could hopefully be, future Hunger Games. 

Orion Atomos

District Two

"Don't think I'll be beaten by the likes of you"
Name: Orion Atomos
Victor of the Sixty-Eight HG at age Eighteen
Victor of the Seventy-Fifth HG at age Twenty-Five
Current Age: 41
Weapon Used: Sword, Spears and Knives
Kill Count: 15
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Julia Aquilla, Kaiser Aquilla

As the only veteran of the Games, he takes pride in training  tributes whilst trying to belittle the other non-career mentors. Tough and ruthless is what he is described by others and he hates to lose, especially from the lesser districts. Despite his nature and methods of training he has only managed to mentor two victors: Julia and Kaiser. 
Him winning the Seventy-Fifth Hunger Games was a ploy by Snow, before he died, because he wanted to make him the figurehead for the Capitol and to quell further rebellion.

Arena Description:
During his first games, the arena started out in a serene forest area but when you look up there's no sky. The forest is lit by unnatural lights. There are secret passages that lead up to a desert area. Sometimes quicksand and cone-shaped pits appear that drag you down into the forest below.

During the Quarter Quell the arena was a tall building. Tributes started on different floors and are forced to find each other via stairs or elevators. Gamemaker traps were relentless during this time, trying to exterminate the past victors.

How He Won:
During his first games Orion followed the routine of being in the career pack. He hunted tributes as planned by the District One boy, who acted as the leader of the pack. As the days progressed, the remaining tributes grew less and he sensed that the career pack was on it's last legs. He offered to stay up and be lookout and they all stupidly agreed. When he made sure that everyone was sleeping he began to kill them off one by one as fast as he could. Once finished he continued to kill the remaining tributes and finally ending it when he found the District Twelve boy, finishing him off with his spear.

The Quarter Quell was different, he was told by Snow to survive and that he would do his best to protect him during his time in the arena. The career alliance weren't formed, each of the victors stayed with their district partner - those that managed to find each other that is. He didn't encounter any Gamemaker traps and was led to the top of the building where a Feast was being held. There he fought tooth and nail with the remaining tributes and emerged victorious.

Viola Aspen

District Seven

"I'll try my best."

Name: Viola Aspen
Victor of the Seventy-Sixth HG at age Twelve
Current Age: 27
Weapon Used: Double-sided axe
Kill Count: 1
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Scarlet Hickory

Having won at such a young age, Viola found it difficult to mentor tributes because they don't listen to her. Therefore her only successful tribute was Scarlet Hickory during the Eighty-Eight Hunger Games. She remained quiet through most of her childhood and began to grow out of her shell as she matured with age. She still suffers from anxiety from time to time and will sometimes grow quiet. The current President dislikes her with a passion and has often threatened her and even resulted to killing her loved ones. Despite all of this, she remains calm most of the time and tries her hardest to get victors for her district.

Arena Description:
The arena consisted of different ecosystems. It consists of a dessert, forest and ocean biome which all connect to each other and result in unexpected effects around the borders. As the games continue, the biomes continue to intersect with each other, the desert sand blowing into the forest whilst it is being filled with ocean water.

How She Won:
Viola formed an alliance at the start of the games and they lasted longer than expected by the Capitol, especially the newly appointed President Augustus. Her alliance began to die out, however, when the District Four boy killed them all. Scared of what will happen to her, she quickly hid within the now sandy and wet forest and climbing the trees to escape. She hid within the treetops whilst hearing the other tribute's cannons. When it was the remaining two tributes, her and the Four boy, she quickly looked out for him. She heard his voice as he called out for her. Viola shivered at the malicious words he spoke but she continued to jump branches, making sure not to make too much sound. She held onto her axe, one that she found during the initial bloodbath, as she jumped from branch to branch. When she was above the Four boy, she stilled as he looked for her. There was suddenly a large banging sound and this shocked Viola and accidentally dropped her axe straight onto the boy's skull. Her win shocked most of Panem and angered the President.

Cabel Link

District Three

"Do you want me to tell you the chances of you dying out there?"

Name: Cabel Link
Victor of the Seventy-Seventh HG at age Thirteen
Current Age: 27
Weapon Used: Traps and Inventions
Kill Count: 5
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Quanta Logie

Cabel likes to be alone and would often spend his time inside his room constructing all sort of gadgets. He is eccentric to the point of being weird. His dry sense of humour and sarcastic personality often offends people that don't know him very well. He is often regarded as a genius for what he did to the careers during his time in the arena. To date he has managed to mentor one winning victor: Quanta Logie.

Arena Description:
Large bowl shaped corrie surrounded by mountains and trees. There is a frozen lake in the middle, but had running water underneath it; this is where the Cornucopia sits. Traps were sparse here as the cold ended up getting most of the tributes.

How He Won:
He didn't join any alliance during his time because he thought everyone was useless, including his district partner. At the start of the bloodbath he had managed to grab a backpack closer to the edge and to his luck contained tools along with scrap parts. He then ran towards the trees and finding a nice hiding spot for which to plan his traps. Using the knowledge he had gained during the training, as well as the scrap parts, he constructed a suit of insulated wires to keep his body warm to combat the temperature drops during the night. Out of the eleven tributes that died during the bloodbath as well as a further seven killed by the career pack he was left alone. This is when he put his plan to fruition as he managed to get the career pack's attention and led them back to the frozen lake. Once there he started to crack the thinning ice and eventually falling in along with the pack. He had managed to survive this cold ice by having the insulated wires as well as the animal skin and fat he had harvested from traps.

Robin Malus

District Eleven

"Be careful, I'll be here waiting for you."

Name: Robin Malus
Victor of the Seventy-Eight HG at age Seventeen
Current Age: 30
Weapon Used: Dagger and Throwing Knives
Kill Count: 3
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Ashe Barrow

Pragmatic in nature, she likes things to be done right with no complications. She can be quite straightforward at times and is fierce when she's annoyed or angry. She has no filter and will say something whether it's appropriate or not. Being the second oldest out of all the current victors, the other mentors joke that she's the mother of the group which she gets annoyed at. She couldn't face the fact that she couldn't save Roscoe's sister even though he forgives her. Her only successful tribute is Ashe Barrow and was quite tough with him.

Arena Description:
Jungle filled with all sorts of trees with a river cutting through the middle, where the Cornucopia is located. The river water, however, isn't river water and is in fact ocean water because the whole arena is surrounded by a vast ocean.

How She Won:
Robin managed to have one ally during her time in the games, she was Roscoe Tarpan's younger sister. During a clash though her ally was killed and she had no choice but to run. She spent the rest of that time up in trees, watching carefully for anyone. She didn't actively kill other tributes, only doing so when she was seen or attacked. Using this method she had managed to survive till there was only her and the District Twelve girl left. The problem was that the girl from Twelve have become crazy and deranged during her time and was sponsored a gasoline canister. She had stupidly set the whole jungle on fire and somehow trapping Robin within a circle of fire. She attacked Robin with the canister, having no other weapon besides that but she was quickly defeated with a quick stab to the heart.

Roscoe Tarpan

District Ten

"Just listen to me and you'll most likely survive. I don't guarantee it though."
Name: Roscoe Tarpan
Victor of the Seventy-Ninth HG at age Fourteen
Current Age: 26
Weapon Used: Rope and Trident
Kill Count: 8
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: None

He had a younger sister and he would often spend time with her but since she was reaped and subsequently killed in the games he has found it hard to communicate to people in general. Roscoe had generally always been quiet and alone but now he refuses to speak up in most cases. He gets shy when around larger groups of people and even found it hard to make friends. Ever since winning the Hunger Games though he is getting better at communicating and is now tolerating larger crowds but he still stammers when he speaks in large groups. He has a strong dislike to the Capitol but he doesn't freely express it in fear for the worst.

Arena Description:
Prairie fields with long green grass. Perfect for traps and hiding, the arena had constant rain that happens everyday which usually floods the arena before draining a few hours later. The prairie is surrounded by mountain ranges as well which contains caverns and animals and the occasional cabin. Usually when the prairie fields flood it's source is from the melting of the snow in the mountains.

How He Won:
His crippling shyness ended up with him having no allies during the arena. During his time in training he deeply studied the concept of making traps and found that using a trident was much like using a pitchfork back at home. So when the bloodbath started he rushed towards the Cornucopia, avoiding several other tributes on the way. He had luckily managed to grab a trident and headed towards the mountains. He managed to stumble across a cabin which he stayed in for a couple of days, finding supplies and some rope. As the snow piles up in the mountains he used his knowledge of rope traps to set up traps within the snow, managing to kill a few tributes that stumble across the cabin. When it was down to just him and the District Two girl, his first instinct was to run away. He had managed to lose her and it took several hours until she had found him again. She attacked first with a flurry of arrows and he dodged most of them, he was hit once on the shoulder and once on his foot. When he had collapsed from the pain, he was approached by her wanting to kill him personally with a sword. As she grew closer there was a sudden snap and a rope encircled her foot suspending her into the air. She had been caught by a trap he had set up earlier, she dropped all her weapons and pulled herself up trying to untie the complex knot. That's when Roscoe took the chance to stand and ready his trident, before stabbing her with it, right on the chest.

Ashe Barrow

District Eleven

"I'll mourn your death...don't worry about it."

Name: Ashe Barrow
Victor of the Eightieth HG at age Fifteen
Current Age: 26
Weapon Used: Katana
Kill Count: 5
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: None

Having experienced the games at such a young age, Ashe resorted to alcohol to drown the memories of his time in the arena. He had given up on motivating his tributes all together often leaving it all to Robin but he is still forced to do this every year. When he is sober, Ashe is often by himself waiting for the time where he can drink or at least sleep. He does offer advice, only if he was pushed by Robin to do so.  

Arena Description:
Underground Caverns, with deep ravines. Often dark, tributes were given miner hats to navigate the caves. There are tunnels located at every nook and cranny, tributes often find food in the form of bats and rats. 

How He Won:
When the bloodbath began he ran into the dark cave, seeing light flash before him. He dodged the careers and picked up a katana. He grabbed his District partner and led them away from the Cornucopia. They stayed within this tunnel surviving on what they could find. Luckily his partner was proficient in lighting fires and they managed to cook food that way. The caves often secrete water and that's how they got their water. During this time, Ashe practiced his blade skills whilst listening to the cannon shots. When they notice that there's only a few tributes left both him and the girl began hunting the remaining tributes. After immediately killing the last tribute, the girl quickly turned on Ashe and slashed at him with the newly acquired knife. He got cut pretty badly but he still managed to show some willpower and stabbed her with the katana, deeply regretting it.