District Two
"Don't think I'll be beaten by the likes of you" |
Name: Orion Atomos
Victor of the Sixty-Eight HG at age Eighteen
Victor of the Seventy-Fifth HG at age Twenty-Five
Current Age: 41
Weapon Used: Sword, Spears and Knives
Kill Count: 15
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Julia Aquilla, Kaiser Aquilla
As the only veteran of the Games, he takes pride in training tributes whilst trying to belittle the other non-career mentors. Tough and ruthless is what he is described by others and he hates to lose, especially from the lesser districts. Despite his nature and methods of training he has only managed to mentor two victors: Julia and Kaiser.
Him winning the Seventy-Fifth Hunger Games was a ploy by Snow, before he died, because he wanted to make him the figurehead for the Capitol and to quell further rebellion.
Arena Description:
During his first games, the arena started out in a serene forest area but when you look up there's no sky. The forest is lit by unnatural lights. There are secret passages that lead up to a desert area. Sometimes quicksand and cone-shaped pits appear that drag you down into the forest below.
During the Quarter Quell the arena was a tall building. Tributes started on different floors and are forced to find each other via stairs or elevators. Gamemaker traps were relentless during this time, trying to exterminate the past victors.
How He Won:
During his first games Orion followed the routine of being in the career pack. He hunted tributes as planned by the District One boy, who acted as the leader of the pack. As the days progressed, the remaining tributes grew less and he sensed that the career pack was on it's last legs. He offered to stay up and be lookout and they all stupidly agreed. When he made sure that everyone was sleeping he began to kill them off one by one as fast as he could. Once finished he continued to kill the remaining tributes and finally ending it when he found the District Twelve boy, finishing him off with his spear.
The Quarter Quell was different, he was told by Snow to survive and that he would do his best to protect him during his time in the arena. The career alliance weren't formed, each of the victors stayed with their district partner - those that managed to find each other that is. He didn't encounter any Gamemaker traps and was led to the top of the building where a Feast was being held. There he fought tooth and nail with the remaining tributes and emerged victorious.