Friday 5 June 2015

The President and his Gamemaker


"Let's just say I like things to be...extravagant."

Name: Priam Augustus
Current President of Panem
Current Age: 65

Augustus used to be Snow's right hand man until his death during the celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Games. His sharp eyes can spot fear from a mile away. Even though there are some suspicion that Augustus poisoned Snow, there was never any proof out there that says so.

"Everyone has a reason for surviving. This is my reason"

Name: Nathaniel Evergold
Current Head Gamemaker of Panem
Current Age: 32

A responsible young man. He made it to the top of the Gamemaker table by showing a keen interest in the Games themselves. After pitching the idea of the Eighty-Ninth Hunger Games arena, Augustus had really took a liking to him. He can get nervous at times under his presence but that's natural: everyone gets that. He's often seen in his office finalising plans for, what could hopefully be, future Hunger Games. 

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