District Three
Victor of the Seventy-Seventh HG at age Thirteen
Current Age: 27
Weapon Used: Traps and Inventions
Kill Count: 5
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Quanta Logie
Status: Alive
Successful Tributes: Quanta Logie
Cabel likes to be alone and would often spend his time inside his room constructing all sort of gadgets. He is eccentric to the point of being weird. His dry sense of humour and sarcastic personality often offends people that don't know him very well. He is often regarded as a genius for what he did to the careers during his time in the arena. To date he has managed to mentor one winning victor: Quanta Logie.
Arena Description:
Large bowl shaped corrie surrounded by mountains and trees. There is a frozen lake in the middle, but had running water underneath it; this is where the Cornucopia sits. Traps were sparse here as the cold ended up getting most of the tributes.
How He Won:
He didn't join any alliance during his time because he thought everyone was useless, including his district partner. At the start of the bloodbath he had managed to grab a backpack closer to the edge and to his luck contained tools along with scrap parts. He then ran towards the trees and finding a nice hiding spot for which to plan his traps. Using the knowledge he had gained during the training, as well as the scrap parts, he constructed a suit of insulated wires to keep his body warm to combat the temperature drops during the night. Out of the eleven tributes that died during the bloodbath as well as a further seven killed by the career pack he was left alone. This is when he put his plan to fruition as he managed to get the career pack's attention and led them back to the frozen lake. Once there he started to crack the thinning ice and eventually falling in along with the pack. He had managed to survive this cold ice by having the insulated wires as well as the animal skin and fat he had harvested from traps.
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